How can I help?
What's up?


 Throughout the years I have been coaching many individuals. All unique personalities with a specific personal or professional goal and challenge. I have been working with them to identify the desired outcome and create a plan towards this outcome according to the well known GROW model.

If you are someone or know someone who:

  • Has sleepless nights because of work related decisions
  • Wants to take a next step in a commercial career
  • Needs an extra pair of ears, eyes and brains to discuss a broad range of issues
  • Doesn't tick one of the boxes above but is looking for support in a professional or personal situation


Some of the responses

“My ideal coach is someone who aligns with your values and supports you accordingly. Sander’s ability to really listen allows for a sense of trust to be created almost instantly. It takes years of experience combined with a high level of empathy to advise individuals the way he does.” - Senior Marketing Manager

"I've had many conversations with Sander, he helped me to get my professional career aligned with my personal value's. He is honest in his feedback and emphatic at the same time. Thanks!" - Junior Sales Rep

Contact me! Let’s have a call, coffee, walk in the park and find out if we have a match.
