How can I help?
What's up?

Interim Management

Replacement: Do you need (temporary) replacement for a commercial manager in your organization? You need someone who adopts to processes, culture and team quickly! With years of experience in various commercial roles and teams I can take over teams to keep the business running.

Change Management: Change can be hard. It can lead to resistance or negativity. In some cases hiring an external manager help with an external view on things. With extensive knowledge of change management I can help you navigate through this difficult situation.

Some of the responses

“The theoretical models and input Sander applies, gave me the insights I needed to put things into perspective whilst gaining a real understanding of the road it takes to move forward.” - Senior Manager

“I’ve become to know him as a true leader who has a real passion for making people better and to let them excel in what they aim to do. Having him lead in an organisation that has growth ambitions whilst also growing its people.” - Teammanager Digital

Contact me! Let’s have a call, coffee, walk in the park and find out if we have a match.
